Product Overview
The Daily Roman Missal is the perfect companion for following the Mass readings at home or at daily Mass. This beautifully bound volume is bound in burgundy bonded leather and includes 6 ribbon markers and has gold gilded page edges.
Features of this edition are:
- Prayers, antiphons, and readings (A-B-C cycle for Sundays, two-year cycle for weekdays) for all Masses throughout the liturgical year
- English (latest translation) and Latin texts side-by-side for the Order of Mass (including the four Eucharistic Prayers), the Entrance and Communion antiphons, the response to the Responsorial Psalm, the Sequence, the Alleluia verse before the Gospel, and many prayers and devotions.
- Masses for all the saints on the General Roman Calendar, adapted for use in the Dioceses of the United States
- Text font is 10pt
- Over 200 pages of devotions and prayers