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Fratelli Tutti On Fraternity and Social Friendship

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Pope Francis
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Product Overview

In his third encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, Pope Francis reflects on a topic of great importance: human solidarity and friendship. Following his election to the papacy, Pope Francis first greeted the world with the words fratelli e sorelle -- "Brothers and sisters." In this encyclical, he continues to address all men and women as his brothers and sisters, calling us to consider what our common brotherhood requires of us. 

The pope calls us to live out our Christian duty to see the face of Jesus in our neighbors, recognizing everyone we meet as a brother or sister. In this encyclical, he reminds us of our "(blessed) common belonging." By fostering a genuine affection for all, we reaffirm the dignity of very human person created in the image and likeness of God.

Discussion questions are included and are perfect for individual or group study.



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